As Sahabah, The Oldest Mosque in Africa, From The Prophet Muhammad Era

Rabu 04-10-2023,15:45 WIB
Editor : Admin

BENGKULU, RAKYATBENGKULU.COM - The As Sahabah Mosque in Massawa Eritrea is believed to be the oldest mosque on the African continent. This mosque was built in the early 7th century AD, in the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

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Its position is in the city of Massawa, Eritria. A port city on the coast of the Red Sea. Opposite Yemen which is on the Red Sea coast, on the other side. 

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As a flashback, Massawa is an important city in the trade traffic on the Red Sea. It used to be the capital of Eritrea before moving to the current city of Asmara. 

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Eritrea is a small country with an area of 117,600 km2 in the East African region. It borders Ethiopia to the south, Sudan to the west, and Djibouti to the southeast. The Red Sea is to the east. Half of the country's citizens are Muslims, the other half are Christians.

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When exactly was the As Sahabah Mosque built? There is no exact data. Based on Richard J. Reid's notes, in "A History of Modern Africa: 1800 to the Present" only mentioned the beginning of the 7th century.

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Other information, the As Sahabah mosque, also known as the Sheikh Hanafi mosque, was built by the companions of the prophet who migrated from the city of Mecca in 620-630 AD. If the data is correct, it means that it is one era with the Prophet Muhammad who received the apostolic command in 611 AD.

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The construction was carried out by a companion of the Prophet named Sheikh Hanafi. But who is Sheikh Hanafi? No further information was obtained. There is only an explanation that the companions migrated to Africa because they defended their beliefs and could not stand the persecution of the rulers of Mecca at that time.

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Is this true? Was Sheikh Hanafi really one of the companions who directly studied with the Prophet Muhammad? Or a scholar who received orders to convey the message of Islam at the time of the caliph? Wallauhu a'lam. 

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